Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who am I...?

Hi y'all, I have a lot to say, but this week has been pretty busy traveling to San Antonio for work.  I'd anticipated quiet nights holed up in a hotel room, but so far, that hasn't happened and doesn't look like it's going to.

So for now, I'll post this...created by a beautiful, inspiring, phenomenal Delta I know in DC.  Love you Jacqui!


"Who am I?

I’m a well oiled machine, smoothed out with exotic polishes, buffed to perfection by heartache and sunshine.

I’m a diamond without the rough, singed with the pain that has shaped me, freed by His blood, my sweat and a combination of tears.

I’m history in the making, whose story will be sweet although outlined with peaks and tainted by valleys.

I’m like a full moon lowering in the horizon. I touch mountain tops, skim seas and light darkened paths.

I’m heavy with creativity and light with burden. I curse obligation and guilt but oblige independence and beauty.

I’m a love waiting to be raptured; still enough to feel even the slightest motion, swift enough to catch a glimpse of destiny.

I’m as precious as the commodity time slipping through your fingertips with each wasteful decision, easily freed yet never retroactive.

I’m the essence of reckless beauty, refined by flaws and empowered beyond belief.

I’m the sand disappearing with each crash of the oceans wave; memories fade in and out with each current.

I am who I am. Parts will remain the same and the rest will expire with the exit of each season, transition as the caterpillar captivates its audience in a beautiful transformation to a butterfly.

I am HIS beautiful creation."

Love y'all,

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