Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Job

All of my east coast friends are telling me of their adventures in the recent blizzard and asking me just how grateful I am that I live in California now and don't have to deal with their weather.

But, the fact of the matter is, no - I am not happy to be living here now, instead of there...I've been learning tons about myself over these last three years and one of those things, is that I like seasons - and in true Mimi fashion, the more the better, thank you very much!  A friend asked me (in disbelief) what I could possibly miss about Maryland right now. My reply made her laugh, prompted her to forward it family members and caused her to encourage me to publish my writing. All that from just an email! So I decided to share it here...

Chris: 30 inches of snow, are ya sure you Miss Maryland? Remind me, please, and I will send you pictures tomorrow!

Me: 30 inches?!?!?!?! Yes I am sure!! I want to be up to my nostrils in snow. I want to invest in long underwear and thick socks. I want to debate with my coworkers if we should leave work early to get to the market before the shelves are bare. I want to walk in a straight line and when I turn around, see my footsteps & be surprised that they're so far down. I want to wear my Uggs because they're warm and not because I'm too lazy to put on shoes that lace. I want to wear them because they are winter boots and therefore, should be worn with down stuffed coats not tank tops and micro minis...

I want to have to plead with Malachi to "go shi-shi" outside while he desperately tries to get us back inside where it's warm and where the normal people/dogs are at. I want to pick up my friend at her house and venture 10 miles an hour the whole way, to church only to discover they canceled the event for the night but we didn't get the message (yup, really happened - at Cov Life too!)...I want to see liquid on the ground and think "careful, could be ice" instead of "oh, water". I want the cute little decals I put on my car windows to get scraped off after one winter's worth of window scrapping…

I want to look up in the sky and see it all purple-y with big, fat snowflakes coming down on me & feel that vertigo type feeling when the flakes come and I can "see" how far up the sky is. I want to take the metro because I have to - not because I want to - because the streets are hectic. I want to see cars who ventured out too soon (or too late) on the sides of the roads. I want to be one of "those" people who buys sweaters for their dogs...and maybe boots too, cuz it is cold, after all...

I want to day dream about getting a job and moving to California where it's sunny and warm all the time, blissfully unaware (or conveniently forgetting) that it's practically monsoon season here and if things keep going at the rate they are, I am going to have to swim to work and take an ark home...I want to light candles. Oooh, and a fireplace (since I will have one in my idealic Maryland life) and drink cocoa or hot tea and read...

I want a space heater in the doorway of my bathroom so that when I get out of the shower I won't develop icicles on myself before I can get dry. I want to remember to touch something metal with my key first when I get out of my car at a gas station and to have to try not to mutter a “wirty dord” when I forget and feel that crack! of the static shock that built up on me and that lil panic of "Am I going to mess around and blow myself up at this gas station?!?!" because the air is so dry…

Hmmm...what else...I want to have the shared experience of a storm - everyone in it together...I want to wear ear muffs and gloves. I want to coordinate my scarves with my outfits. I want to buy those little air activated heat packs that last eight hours that you can stuff down the back of your shirt to keep cozy. I want to know where my emergency lanterns are for when the lights go out. I want something to talk about with others that, although technically is the stereotypical "how's the weather?" conversation, is still genuinely interesting (lol) and I want admin leave (free time off work) when all of DC federal government closes down for inclement weather (!!!)...

Ok...ok, yeah, I think I’m done. For now. But I still want pictures!! Preferably of a really big snowman with your kids lined up next to him, but he's the tallest - maybe even taller than dad???

Be well – and be safe (to everyone there!)!!!

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