If you know me at all, you know two other things about me as well. In no particular order, I’m a girly girl and I’m a flirt. I like nice looking things (animate or inanimate lol)…and I like them even more, when they're not a lot of money (the inanimate ones, I mean ;). So naturally, you can understand my distress when I came to discover today that there is a race every year in San Francisco (home of the roommate’s girlfriend, too, btw) where participants receive a real live Tiffany necklace! Um, yeah – I said Tiffany. Oh, and it gets better. The necklace? It’s put on you by firefighters, dressed out in their uniforms.
Are you serious?! How did my roommate not see the complete urgency in telling me this?! I will run until the earth curves, if it means Tiffany jewelry and a hot firefighter at the end. I am crushed that my roommate does not love me enough to inform me of the highlights of his responsibilities. I make a point to clarify for him that on CSI: Miami, everybody calls Horatio “H” for short. See, one of us cares that the other stays updated on the pertinent details of our respective responsibilities…

When the roommate came home from what was surely a vigorous session of running/swimming/sweating, I had to share with him (from my position holding down the sofa) my utter disappointment in his failure to inform me. Before I even shared the Tiffany sized nugget of knowledge I gained from not him today, he knew what I was going to say. He beat me to “Tiffany” and then he said, “…and do you know who gives it to you?” Of course I know, roommate. No thanks to you. But I was forced to forgive him when he offered (or more accurately “said jokingly”, but I’m choosing to hear “offered”) to run the race for me – thereby allowing me to show up at the finish line, hair done, make-up on to be presented with my necklace. That works for me. Good roommate, very good roommate! :-D
Love y'all!
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