Saturday, April 23, 2011

Even If...

My dog dies; My body chemistry changes so I smell like pizza every day, no matter what; I never take another trip in this lifetime; I lose my job and my apartment and my car; I don’t get to lead a small group; my coworkers hate me; only crazy men ever love me; I gain 100 pounds; I never lose another pound; my hip never heals; I never meet “The One”; I never become a mom; I lose touch with my best friends; I never make new friends; I never get out of debt; my family never speaks to me again; I develop a persistent dandruff problem; I get gout; I get gas; I never get another raise; I never date again; I lose the serenity I found in California; the love of my life breaks my heart…again; it never stops raining; Spring stops existing; my cable never gets turned back; Redbox stops updating their movies; my contact prescription gets discontinued; Sarah grows up and gets married before me; my neighbors keep fighting; my iPod isn’t on my desk when I get to work tomorrow; my coworker resumes stalking me; I get backne; Brazilian waxes are linked to cancer; my Blackberry dies; I catch the plague; Groupon goes away; I live in this apartment when I’m 80; I never get back into HR; I never move to Germany; I never visit Venice; I never see the Holy Land; the MARC stops running; I never buy a home again; he comes back to my church; he starts attending my other church; the other "he" starts attending my church; *both* "he’s" attend my church (man, that would suuuuck lolol); that video from ‘09 goes viral; no one answers when I call; no one cares when I cry; my pastor is caught in a sex scandal; my pastor is caught in any scandal; Britney Spears is voted the greatest performer of all time; gas prices reach $9.00 a gallon; Starbucks goes out of business; Red Velvet cake is no longer hip and therefore so incredably easy to find, anytime, anywhere; my arch nemesis gets to my engagement ring first; my wedding chapel is booked from now until…don’t call us, we’ll call you; skinny jeans never go out of style; I always battle the bulge;  debit cards really do turn out to be the mark of the beast; I voted for the anti-Christ for president (jkjk!); my boss takes away my Regular Day Off; I have to move back home; all of my teeth fall out; he turns out to be gay after all; I never find a perfect hair dresser or masseuse or nail tech again; the friend I called a sister abandons me; the man who is my father abandons me; the woman who is my mother abandons me; I can no longer see the stars or the harvest moon; I have to keep this stupid tattoo for the rest of my life; he stays 3,000 miles away because he’s so stinking stubborn; she never calls; it’s just me and Malachi for the next 10 years; I never meet Kai; all my fingers fall off and I can no longer write…even if the hokey pokey really is what it’s all about, my only concern in this life will still remain: to love God, and seek daily to bring glory to Him. :)

Love y'all,

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