Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Deep End of the Ocean

So, I’ve wanted to blog for a while, but whenever I sit down to do it, I freeze up.  There is a lot of junk in the past several years that I’m in the process of cleaning up and sometimes blogging tempts me to spend too much time in dark places where I shouldn’t be.  The thing is, I haven’t posted in a year and I feel obligated to fill in those blanks.  But I can’t.  I just can’t.  So I think I have to start fresh – and be ok with that.  Just let it be.  Maybe as time goes on, those blanks will fill themselves in naturally, without me having to write a onetime dissertation on the subject.

I was going to wait 14 days, to post this, marking the one year “anniversary” of sorts.  But this is a new beginning, and I don’t want to schedule something that significant.  I think it will be hard, probably full of small victories my lovely readers might not even notice, but it will be good.  It will be good and I want to get started as soon as possible.  The Lord, in his infinite wisdom has brought me to a little Portuguese island in the middle of nowhere, to continue my journey.  I live in Portugal, now.  I live in PORTUGAL now!!  Who says that?!  I mean, other than Portuguese people and all the people on this base, lol. I certainly never in my wildest dreams, thought it would be me.  I see Portugal as a continuation of my Central California year of Yoga for the Soul (also known as 2009).  It was there, that I learned about this somewhat secret slice of heaven.

I left California to return to DC.  I can’t explain my feelings about Washington DC or my time there, or whether or not it was a good idea to return.  When I try, I feel myself go to a dark place.  So I know that for now, at least, it’s best for me to put that down and take a break.  Just like an abusive relationship (of which I consider myself familiar), I returned to that city for more…trying to prove something, or gain something that I’m not completely sure I ever did.  But also like an abusive relationship, I know that whatever happens I can’t – and won’t – go back. I want to experience this goodness and I’m looking forward to the next good thing.

I suspect that not all of my freezing up has to do with past trauma or negative influences.  There’s a fair part of me that knows my best writing was accomplished when I was “like this” with God.  When we were so close I could drive down the highway and hear his voice, or sit at my keyboard and let him use my fingers.  I know there is a calling there; he wants me back.  If I want to write again – to write well again – I will have to cultivate that deep relationship again.  Even though I believe, even though I love the Lord so much, that level of relationship is overwhelming and intimidating.  But still, I want it.

When I decided to try to return to blogging, my first instinct was to change the name of my blog, so that people – certain people – couldn’t find it as easily as they once could.  One thing I’m learning right now, is to recognize resistance and to give God a chance to reveal Himself through it.  My blog is called Miangels4ever.  Forever is a long time.  Forever is…indestructible.  Forever cannot be ruined or changed or destroyed…it preservers.  And so will I.

Love y’all,


  1. I'm so glad to see you blogging again. I have learned that sometimes when we take a break from it it's really hard not to beat ourselves up over the time that we have been away from it, but the best thing to do is just pick up & carry on. Otherwise we just stay away from it longer. Can't wait to hear about all that's happening in PORTUGAL!!!!

  2. Thank you, Sherilyn, I *so* appreciate your encouragement! :)) xoxo
